Spearmint Community Mom Feature: megquash

Spearmint Community Mom Feature: megquash
The Spearmint team fell in LOVE with this photo of Brielle in our classic Sage Fern. I knew I wanted to get to know the mom behind the camera better, so I interviewed her mom, Meghan.
What does a day in the life look like for you?
Wake up with lots of coffee around 630! I usually play with My 3 year Old son, Emmett while my 4 month old daughter, Brielle bounces in her baby Bjorn bouncer right next to us. Then we eat breakfast and it’s time for brother to go to preschool. I am still on maternity leave so next is errands, appointments, or play dates/walks. I always try to put Brielle down for a midday nap in the crib so I can clean the house and do laundry. Around 330 we pick up brother from school followed by outdoor play. I then cook and we eat dinner. More play then bath, books and bed time for kids around 745. My husband and I will clean up quickly and usually relax while watching TV.
What is your best piece of advice to new moms during pregnancy?
Enjoy the moments with your first pregnancy even though it can be uncomfortable at times. Take naps! Go on dates with your significant other! If you decide to have a second baby, the pregnancy flies by and there is no time to relax with a toddler!
What is your best piece of advice to new moms for the labor/birth process?
Don’t worry, labor isn’t as bad as you may think! Recovery was more difficult or the part no one talks about. With my first, I wasn’t prepared physically or mentally for those first few weeks, learning to breastfeed and being so exhausted. When people offer to help with the baby they usually want to sit and hold the baby so go shower and rest, if you can. Set boundaries those first few weeks. It’s nice to have visitors but sometimes it can be overwhelming if they stay too long or too many come at once.
What's your all time favorite baby product?
The saying each baby is different makes this question hard. For my son the solly baby wrap! For my daughter we love the baby Bjorn bouncer. My favorite for both would probably be the hatch baby rest. We still use one for my son everyday and he’s 3!
Three baby names you love but won't be using?
Oliver, Grace, Addison